by Sprockets Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:28 pm
Hello, Geoff,
I noticed that you too share an interest in these devices, which I have been researching for years. Seeing your interest, I tried to join C M C in January, but nothing happened! I even joined Maple Leaf Up, to see if someone could pass a message to you. Nothing transpired, and then, out of the blue, I was accepted a week ago!
I was offered a brand new, unused Swiss Flamethrower, complete with cartridges, tools, spares and storage box some years ago. The owner was not interested in it, but strangely had the same name as the designer of the previous, wartime, Swiss device, but he had no knowledge of this!
Unfortunately, I was unable to import, but I brought the Handbook for the two Swiss flamethrowers, plus the artificers manual for the later model. This is a carbon copy of the Mauser designed German latest model, for which I have never seen instructions (I am not sure if they had time to prepare a manual this late in the war) The flare firing device is very, very ingenious, ejecting the cartridges from the muzzle, and using a tube magazine. There are many drawings showing the complete operational details of the projector, which I have seen nowhere else! U. S reports on this flammenwerfer never showed the mechanism, just saying how clever and complex it was, and thus would be unreliable. In fact, I believe it was perfectly reliable!
If you are interested, I can send you scans of the two manuals, plus also the full technical details of the French flamethrower of 1954 .(This was given a different name to conceal the fact that it was been used by the French Army! It is a little like the Ack pack, except the striker pin rotates in a circle!)
I can give you my contact in Switzerland, assuming that he has not moved, or has sold it, if of interest. I know an Ukranian might have purchased it, if he had got over the difficulty of importing it!
Did Charliedown ever get in touch with you-he had a scan of the Ack Pack Technical handbook, which I was unable to get from the IWM, as they refused, at the time, to copy folded pages of drawings. I have tried contacting him to no avail, so I wondered if he had sent a copy to you?
I have tried PM to both you and Charlie4down, to no avail-i am not sure if I am using the system correctly!
Best regards,