by mk1rceme Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:28 pm
Little does RCN realize, but my pup has a military connection with his name
Bottom line is that I do not have a wife or kids, albeit that is my choice. I trust my pets more than MOST(not all) humans. My pets are my life, even more than any inanimate object from my collection, and I would happily give it all up for their well being.
Now, let`s name a forum that isn`t struggling these days...unless it is selling memberships or packages to access the full forum. I refuse to do that, it is not fair to struggling collectors out there. If you are morally decent enough to go with the flow and enjoy the forum for what it is, then you are welcome here anytime. I think we have a good base of knowledge here, I have no complaints.
I also want to add that I never intended to compete with any other forums out there, so this ''struggling forum'' business that RCN mentioned is a moot point to me.
Since the start of CMCF, the onus of keeping this forum online has survived on my financial input. The host is free, but there are costs to keep advertising popups hidden, and to keep the domain name valid. I will also be laying down a significant amount of money as soon as I can get the go ahead to move to a better host. Free forums have you by the balls if you intend to move. The forum does need to move to a better host regardless, so I will do that as soon as I can. Just please, be patient.