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    sten after 70 years in the ground

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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by snafu Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:52 pm

    Hey guys,

    As my first post I would like to show you this find of last year.
    It's a sten MK2 after 70 years buried at almost 1 metre in the soil.
    It was found in the sector where the regina rifles regiment crossed the Leopold Canal the 6th of octobre 1944 and has left there
    and been there ever since.
    The gun must have ben greased up pretty wel if you see the interior parts.
    I let the pics do the talking.


    sten after 70 years in the ground 02042011133

    sten after 70 years in the ground 02042011135

    sten after 70 years in the ground 02042011136

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    sten after 70 years in the ground 02042011140

    sten after 70 years in the ground 02042011142

    sten after 70 years in the ground 02042011143

    sten after 70 years in the ground 02042011150

    sten after 70 years in the ground DSC02081

    sten after 70 years in the ground DSC02082-2

    sten after 70 years in the ground DSC02085

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    sten after 70 years in the ground DSC02088

    sten after 70 years in the ground DSC02089

    sten after 70 years in the ground DSC02090

    sten after 70 years in the ground DSC02091

    Sten mk 2 for the careful reader
    sten after 70 years in the ground DSC02092

    sten after 70 years in the ground DSC02093

    sten after 70 years in the ground DSC02095

    sten after 70 years in the ground 18062011168

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    sten after 70 years in the ground 18062011174


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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by mk1rceme Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:42 pm

    Awesome find!


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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by barriefield-brian Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:43 pm

    That's a neat find !!!!!! Cheers Brian

    Posts : 820
    Join date : 2009-12-11

    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by Infanteer Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:31 pm

    That's in surprisingly good condition. It must have been very exciting to uncover such a great piece of history. I'm jealous of the Europeans who have the opportunity to search for historic items whether it be items from WW2 or Roman artifacts. The only thing that I can hunt for in my area is Native artifacts and they are predominately stone so they are very difficult to find.

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    Location : Twente- The Netherlands

    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by LSR Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:44 pm

    Vondst van de maand 2 thumbs up 2 thumbs up 

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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by Jonhno Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:43 pm

    nice find, always wish a word of caution of course when digging, a worker in Germany was killed recently when his bulldozer struck an unexploded bomb. I must admit I have a few relics and have been digging before when I was younger, my friend unearthed some amazing things but did once set a tree on fire from a British phosphorous grenade, glad I was not there

    I kinda liked it before you cleaned it, but I can recommend oxalic acid on rusty painted stuff, like helmets, or an electrolysis bath on metal items. If you like cleaning stuff then these methods are a bit more gentle, else leave it as is, once out of the elements is not going to get in much worse condition 2 thumbs up 

    Posts : 236
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    Location : Edmonton, Alberta

    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by recceboy Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:26 pm

    Nice find and a great piece of history. I go to eastern Europe and go digging every time I am there and finds lots of good stuff, just not Canadian .....:)

    Well done with the clean up, and be careful with the ammo.

    Cheers  tank 

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    Location : CANADA

    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by iwasatdieppe06 Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:21 pm

    Amazing find!!! Were you just digging out foxholes or did the detector pick it up?


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    Location : CANADA

    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by iwasatdieppe06 Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:24 pm

    Infanteer wrote:That's in surprisingly good condition. It must have been very exciting to uncover such a great piece of history. I'm jealous of the Europeans who have the opportunity to search for historic items whether it be items from WW2 or Roman artifacts. The only thing that I can hunt for in my area is Native artifacts and they are predominately stone so they are very difficult to find.

    Man you said it. Be nice to go there and spend a few months and dig. Amazingly there is still lots of undiscovered areas. My next rip will include some detecting.

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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by Infanteer Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:54 pm

    For me, a couple of weeks of searching for artifacts would be the ideal vacation... maybe one day if I can arrange it.

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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by iwasatdieppe06 Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:07 pm

    Unless you doing a solo trip, you will have to think of where to put the family for 2 weeks  Very Happy  My trip I stuck the wife in Paris where she ran up a nice shopping bill. Has to be a better way lol.

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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by Infanteer Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:43 pm

    My wife would be happy to have me out of the house and my girls are adults now.... ya, it would definitely be a solo trip.
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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by snafu Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:20 am

    Hey guys , i'm glad you like it.

    This find was restored with elektrolyse and it's an awesome method that does not require much work.
    This was picked up by my metaldetector in a former trench.

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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by iwasatdieppe06 Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:47 pm

    I knew it, digging out old foxholes or trenches find the best stuff.  Cool sell it to me!!!!!  What will the RCMP think of a rusted war relic SMG from the ground after 74 years, same as a deact right lol?

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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by cmpman Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:47 am

    Besides the C/l\ marked bolt, and the markings on the magwell which are of the Canadian pattern, another give-away that it is a Canadian produced sten is the "H" over the dovetail for the stock. The H is found on the early welded Canadian bodies from 42 and into early 43. During the 3L series of guns they went to spot welded bodies, and the little H would no longer be there.

    Often there would be a property mark on the bottom of the trigger guard. Some had the C/i\ there, while some had the British /l\.

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    sten after 70 years in the ground Empty Re: sten after 70 years in the ground

    Post by CampX Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:08 am

    Love it!!! But as I like "relics" and have many relic badges ect in my collection, I would have left it the way it was

    Dean O

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