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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

2 posters

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt?


    Posts : 289
    Join date : 2013-02-16

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Empty Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt?

    Post by Wgrenadier Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:03 pm

    Hi Guys,

    I picked this strap up at a show today and was wondering if anybody knows what it was used for. It is marked "MADE BY - SWITLIK - PARACHUTE COMPANY - TRENTON, NJ - MAR. 1942" and has what looks like a Canadian acceptance arrow. It looks like it might be half of an aircraft seat belt or something...

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Dsc08310

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Dsc08311

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Dsc08312

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Dsc08313

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Dsc08314

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Dsc08315

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Dsc08316

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Dsc08317

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Dsc08318

    Posts : 965
    Join date : 2012-06-03

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Empty Seatbelt

    Post by edstorey Sat Mar 08, 2014 2:20 pm

    It is a standard WWII aircraft seatbelt.

    Posts : 289
    Join date : 2013-02-16

    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Empty Re: Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt?

    Post by Wgrenadier Sat Mar 08, 2014 5:23 pm

    edstorey wrote:It is a standard WWII aircraft seatbelt.

    Thanks Ed, I really appreciate your help!


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    Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt? Empty Re: Can anybody identify this 1942 Canadian Parachute/Aircraft Belt?

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