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    Microphone and head set for Canadian Tanker Helmets ?


    Posts : 145
    Join date : 2014-02-27
    Age : 57
    Location : Vancouver Island/Northern Canada

    Microphone and head set for Canadian Tanker Helmets ?  Empty Microphone and head set for Canadian Tanker Helmets ?

    Post by kozowy1967 Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:13 am

    Morning Gents I have the opportunity to purchase some radio components from a friend back east I am looking to out fit my Canadian R.C.A.C. Mk I and my Helmet, Crash RCTR unfortunately all of my reference images are quite vague and in black and white does any one have the proper radio sets and mics, in there collection or have some decent photos that they can share I can only assume they would be a close copy of the type 19 set used by the British.
    Microphone and head set for Canadian Tanker Helmets ?  Pictu106
    Microphone and head set for Canadian Tanker Helmets ?  Pictu107
    Regards Mark

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