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    Training rifle grenade


    Posts : 820
    Join date : 2009-12-11

    Training rifle grenade Empty Training rifle grenade

    Post by Infanteer Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:06 pm

    Picked this training version of the RFL-40 rifle grenade recently and the seller tells me that it was used by the Canadian army. It is a Belgian design and is very interesting in that this represents a rifle grenade that incorporated a bullet trap so that it could be launched with a standard ball round. Of course blanks were used with this training version to allow it to be used multiple times and it would have been loaded with a smoke emitting cartridge to indicate the impact point. My assumption (safe one I believe) is that this was intended for use with the FN C1 rifle as the grenade is dated 1976 and the storage container states 7.62. I haven't been successful in finding reference to Canadian use of this item so I'm wondering if it's use was limited to trials or if their use was more significant than that. Anyone know?

    Note: the "INERT" in yellow was added by the seller when he acquired it in 1986 from an air force EOD tech.

    Training rifle grenade Img_1013
    Training rifle grenade Img_1014

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:29 pm