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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

    Wanted Canadian Pattern Equipment


    Posts : 401
    Join date : 2014-08-13

    Wanted Canadian Pattern Equipment Empty Wanted Canadian Pattern Equipment

    Post by ypres Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:08 pm

    Hi Guys,

    I'm looking for some ORIGINAL pieces to complete some equipment sets. Will pay cash or I have some trade pieces available if anyone has something to part out. The pieces I'm looking for are:

    Oliver Pattern 1899 - Great Coat Carrier
    Oliver Pattern 1915 - Shield Shovel, leather carrier for the shovel
    Canadian '08 - Ammunition pouches
    Pattern 1919 Web (Khaki) - Right Ammo Pouch, belt back. shoulder straps, bayonet frog .... pieces need to be C arrow marked and 1920's dated
    Pattern '01 Naval - Canteen carrier, holster, haversack, Bayonet frog
    Canadian Pattern 1913 web - Ammo pouches, shoulder straps, pack support straps, belt back, bayonet frog
    PH gas hood haversack
    WWI Large Box Respirator

    I am also looking for other oddball bits of kit. Let me know what you have.

    Please PM if you can help,



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