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    64 Pattern first aid bag


    Posts : 42
    Join date : 2017-03-23
    Location : Edmonton Alberta

    64 Pattern first aid bag Empty 64 Pattern first aid bag

    Post by ocdserver Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:20 pm

    At first I thought this bag was a late production 51 Pattern bag similar to the 37 Pattern first aid pouch.
    However, I have never seen a 51 Pattern item impregnated with NBC material.
    So, I gather it is a 64 Pattern first aid bag.  It carried all the fa dressings seen the one of the photos.
    Comments welcome.

    64 Pattern first aid bag Img_2511
    64 Pattern first aid bag Img_2613
    64 Pattern first aid bag Img_2612
    64 Pattern first aid bag Img_2619

    Next, here are four 51 Pattern semi-automatic pistol holsters.  Has anyone ever seen a holster blancoed with the "puke" green?  Note one of the holsters also has the M1910 style hardware removed.
    I saw a post referring to whether 51 Pattern had a revolver ammo pouch similar to the compass pouch.  No, the 51 Pattern holster had the 2nd 9mm clip carried on the exterior of the holster as seen in the photos.

    64 Pattern first aid bag Img_2615
    64 Pattern first aid bag Img_2616
    64 Pattern first aid bag Img_2618
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    Join date : 2017-04-26

    64 Pattern first aid bag Empty Re: 64 Pattern first aid bag

    Post by canarbn3com Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:21 am

    Yup 64 Pattern 1st Aid kit ..the pouches were a kind of "use it for everything" I have seen them with Signals written across them as well good find...and the Khaki blancoed holster I have seen a few times..many many years ago they are all 52 pattern holsters for the Browning High Power 9mm .There is a 52 Pattern shoulder bag as well material is different more like a heavy canvas material and has brass fittings.

    Posts : 820
    Join date : 2009-12-11

    64 Pattern first aid bag Empty Re: 64 Pattern first aid bag

    Post by Infanteer Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:18 pm

    It's actually 51 pattern webbing, not 52. I've seen many other people refer to it as 52 pattern as well and I don't know why that is.

    The light khaki color is commonly found on waist belts (37 pattern with the rear buckles normally removed and some post war made belts as well) used during the 1950's, 60's and possibly into the 70's. I have seen other bits of webbing with the same coating over the years.

    The field dressing satchel is indeed of the type issued around the same time as the introduction of 64 pattern webbing and components of that set were also made of the same material. Nice variety of dressings inside.

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