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    51 Pattern L straps


    Posts : 42
    Join date : 2017-03-23
    Location : Edmonton Alberta

    51 Pattern L straps Empty 51 Pattern L straps

    Post by ocdserver Sun Feb 03, 2019 3:36 pm

    This is the last piece of equipment dug out of my 51/64 Pattern storage bin with a noticeable difference. The two sets of L-straps: one is darker green, the length of the broad strap is shorter and is of two piece manufacture.
    The shorter broad strap is about 1 inch less in length.  No date mark.  I can't tell if the end of the narrow strap has been melted (indicating nylon content to me) or sealed somehow.  The lighter green strap is manufactured with just stitching.  It is dated 1952, and another I have that is dated 1953.  
    51 Pattern L straps Img_2623
    51 Pattern L straps Img_2625
    51 Pattern L straps Img_2624

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