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    Canadian Battledress tunic question.

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    Canadian Battledress tunic question.  Empty Canadian Battledress tunic question.

    Post by hauntedtank8 Wed Jan 15, 2020 11:14 am

    I am just getting my feet wet with collecting Canadian Militaria, I am particularly interested in Canadian kit from the Second World War so I have everything to learn. My question is if any of you fellas could provide any information about this tunic.

    I was given it in May of 2019 from a local theatre with no information to go along with the garment. It's in minty condition and a beautiful piece, this is my first original piece of Canadian battledress so I am still learning a lot about the variations of Canadian BD.



    Canadian Battledress tunic question.  Img_2610
    Canadian Battledress tunic question.  Img_2612
    Canadian Battledress tunic question.  Img_2611

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    Canadian Battledress tunic question.  Empty BD Blouse

    Post by edstorey Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:47 pm

    Nice blouse although it is very late war and has been modified with an open collar.   This is what an new unissued blouse looks like.   For anyone getting their feet wet, the best advice I have is before you start spending money take the time to learn the basics and invest in some good references.

    Canadian Battledress tunic question.  Img_2710
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    Canadian Battledress tunic question.  Empty Re: Canadian Battledress tunic question.

    Post by hauntedtank8 Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:16 am

    Thanks for the insight Ed, much appreciated!

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    Canadian Battledress tunic question.  Empty Re: Canadian Battledress tunic question.

    Post by GrantRCanada Thu Jan 16, 2020 1:52 pm

    Ed's advice to invest time and money in acquiring and studying good references is spot on!  The knowledge gainied will prevent a lot of headaches and poor acquisitions ...

    A fairly good basic Canadian battledress reference to start off with is "Dressed to Kill" (Michael Dorosh) available here:

    By the way, take a look at some of the other titles in that series ... Ed is tha author of "Assault Vests" and " '37 Web" ... rock on

    Another (considerably broader) reference  is "Drab Serge and Khaki Drill:  The Foreign Service, Universal Service, Battle and Combat Dress Jackets of the Canadian Army, 1899-2003" (Grant Tyler) which is available for free download in pdf format on the Parks Canada website:
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    Canadian Battledress tunic question.  Empty Re: Canadian Battledress tunic question.

    Post by hauntedtank8 Thu Jan 16, 2020 2:06 pm

    Fantastic again thank you for the advice and the resources. I will be purchasing some of these books in the future for an Honours and later a Masters's project about British and Commonwealth webbing during the two World Wars.



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