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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

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    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes


    Posts : 206
    Join date : 2010-02-18
    Location : Netherlands

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Empty Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes

    Post by Wouter Sun May 01, 2011 4:35 am


    I have a number of RWR flashes, of which I think only 1 is a genuine wartime made shoulder title. The other 5 I am not so sure about. I tried this on another forum a long time ago and they thought that they were original, I thought they weren't. Let's give this another shot, as I am interested in what you think. Images are all clickable thumbnails.

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans1Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans1x
    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans2Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans2x
    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans3Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans3x
    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans4Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans4x
    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans5Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans5x
    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans6Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_rwrscans6x


    Posts : 206
    Join date : 2010-02-18
    Location : Netherlands

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Empty Re: Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes

    Post by Wouter Sun May 01, 2011 4:38 am

    Forgot to add, I also have this one which I believe to be an original English made specimen.

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_010809SH019Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Th_010809SH020

    Posts : 1120
    Join date : 2009-11-28

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Empty Re: Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes

    Post by Bill Sun May 01, 2011 5:27 am

    Hello Wouter, Unfortunately, these titles pretty well have to be handled to establish or get a feel for the time period. Some of the guidelines for wartime R Wpg R titles include: white (oyster) coloured embroidery on black. The dark green is post war.
    As your tiles all appear to be white on black, it puts them in the wartime period.
    In reference to the English pattern title, is it unworn? I have yet to see an image of these pattern titles in wear.

    Posts : 185
    Join date : 2010-11-19
    Location : Twente- The Netherlands

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Empty Re: Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes

    Post by LSR Tue May 03, 2011 2:25 pm

    Hello Bill,can you explain to us why the embroidered white on green RWR titles are post-war?
    There are also canvas white on green titles,are they post-war to.
    A while ago I also followed the discussion on the other forum that Wouter talkes about.

    Cheers Henk-Jan

    Posts : 1120
    Join date : 2009-11-28

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Empty Re: Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes

    Post by Bill Tue May 03, 2011 2:54 pm

    Hello Henk-Jan, The R Wpg R's first title was the triangular "black devil" title. With the shape and the devil inside, it was difficult and therefore expensive to make. It was authorized to be replaced by the white (oyster coloured) embroidered title on black. The black was reflective of their rifles' heritage. However, some information suggests that the colour was supposed to be "rifle green" which in the R Wpg R case was a very very dark green. It appears the manufacturers couldn't get a dark dark green and substituted a black. After the war when the unit returned to Canada, they switched to the dark green as it was supposed to be the correct colour for regimental titles. (One can argue that the dark green used in the late 40's and 50's was not a true rifle green as it was not dark enough.)
    Canadian army printed titles were discontinued at the end of the war. The only maker was a British company called Calico Printers, at their Broad Oaks Print Works. The company silk screened the designs on a cotton material. The cotton material was made in different finishes, and one was a cotton drill. Calico tried to print dark rifle green titles on this material, but the product wasn't acceptable. It "grayed" out on the cotton drill. So, CMHQ authorized Calico to change to a medium green ink on the cotton drill. These titles were not acceptable. Calico was asked to get the proper type made and they switched to a satin cotton drill which took the ink dyes much better. They are the white on black issue.

    Posts : 206
    Join date : 2010-02-18
    Location : Netherlands

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Empty Re: Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes

    Post by Wouter Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:18 am

    Hello Bill, sorry for the delay, but the English made title does seem to be unworn. I picked it up from ebay a while ago.
    Fred McQueen
    Fred McQueen
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    Age : 37
    Location : Caen, Normandy

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Empty Re: Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes

    Post by Fred McQueen Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:08 am


    Here are some of my RWR stuff.
    The upper board is RWR Stuff with no history "Anonymous titles"
    In the lower board, titles and insignias are gifts from Vets or Vets family.

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles flashes Rwrinsignias

    Hope you'll like them

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