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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination


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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination Empty Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination

    Post by edstorey Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:45 pm

    Here is a classic example of how a museum can be so wrong. A pity really considering the mass of printed material available that explains each item of the set and how it fits together.

    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination CFBGagetownMuseum-backof1908Pattern

    Another museum, in this case apparently unsure as to how the Braces are attached to the Cartridge Carriers. Again, with so many images showing how this pattern is worn, you would think the someone would have checked.

    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination DSC02178


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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination Empty Re: Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination

    Post by Infanteer Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:56 pm

    Unfortunately there are tons of people out there that assume that if something is in a museum that it must be correct/original. I think I've only visited 1 or 2 museums with military displays that didn't have errors that I was able to spot with my limited knowledge of militaria. It's always disappointing when I pick out a basic error like those that Ed has shared and it sheds a bit of uncertainty on everything else I see on display.

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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination Empty Errors

    Post by edstorey Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:27 am

    Errors will occur in museums, simply because not everyone knows everything and people do make mistakes. What is particularly discouraging is when the error is identified and not corrected.

    Just like from printed material, if you are drawing your knowledge from a museum, then a person needs to make sure that they use several sources.

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    Age : 57
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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination Empty Re: Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination

    Post by Cameraguy Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:02 pm

    An easy way to help fix this type of occurrence is if you live near a museum that you see such mistakes,become a volunteer. The way I look at it is at least the equipment is out there,raising awareness for the fellows who wore the inaccurate as they may be.
    I hope to begin a "military interest boutique" at some time in the near future and hope to have many good people who know their stuff volunteering to help make it all correct.


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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination Empty Re: Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination

    Post by Infanteer Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:17 pm

    I am a volunteer at local military museum that has plenty of errors but just like any organization they have people who they treat as the experts and its an uphill battle to correct something blessed by the experts.

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    Age : 57
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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination Empty Re: Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination

    Post by Cameraguy Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:48 pm

    Yeah,I hear that. I never did understand that.And good for you for being a volunteer. I can never get enough of them but the ones I do have are amazing...

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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination Empty Volunteering

    Post by edstorey Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:36 am

    Volunteering is a great way in which to contribute and is also an excellent way to perhaps bring younger people into the historical community.

    When it comes to correcting inaccuracies in museum displays, it is simply not enough for one volunteer 'expect' to suggest changes to another 'expert' employee who works in the museum as that is generally where the errors occur. Too many 'experts' is not the problem, the problem is there needs to be some form of proof that the change needs to be made and not just some 'experts' word.

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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination Empty Re: Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination

    Post by Infanteer Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:43 pm

    I think the issue is that the supporters of the "expert" get defensive when someone suggests that an error has been made, especially if the "expert" is an older veteran of the organization. I'm just saying that I see this happening in pretty much every organization that I've been involved with. I guess it's just human nature....

    Posts : 965
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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination Empty Changes

    Post by edstorey Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:43 am

    Changing a 1937 pattern Haversack for a more correct 1908 Pattern would not be a difficult change. What I have to wonder what was the person who did this in the first place thinking?

    The problem you can run into with 'experts' or people who have been in the military for a long time and have 'seen and done it all' is that they can say, 'this is the way it was done' or 'I remember we did it this way' which is nice, but unfortunately too many smaller museums have items incorrectly identified or items used in the wrong context because the opinion of these people was taken without any accuracy check.

    Posts : 820
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    Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination Empty Re: Interesting '1908 Pattern Web' Combination

    Post by Infanteer Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:55 pm

    edstorey wrote:
    The problem you can run into with 'experts' or people who have been in the military for a long time and have 'seen and done it all' is that they can say, 'this is the way it was done' or 'I remember we did it this way' which is nice, but unfortunately too many smaller museums have items incorrectly identified or items used in the wrong context because the opinion of these people was taken without any accuracy check.


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