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    Special on Victoria Cross Medal History and Holders

    Kelly's Heros
    Kelly's Heros
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    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2013-11-30
    Age : 51
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    Special on Victoria Cross Medal History and Holders Empty Special on Victoria Cross Medal History and Holders

    Post by Kelly's Heros Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:11 am

    I don't know if anybody has seen the latest issue of Canadian Legion magazine, it has the Victoria Cross history and holders from WW1 to Present.  Good pictures of the various battles and people who won the cross.  Unfortunate thing was many acts of valor went to a lower class of medal and still being contested today as to the act of bravery some Canadian solders did was worth it or not.  Lord Louie Mt. Baton and Bernard Montgomery really downgraded lots of Canadians by recommending a lower class medal where as other people mainly British soldiers who did far less acts of valor in the field where given the cross.  

      Current date/time is Thu Dec 12, 2024 3:49 am