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    A simple CEF pair to Faulkner Canadian Pioneer Battalion.

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    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    A simple CEF pair to Faulkner Canadian Pioneer Battalion.  Empty A simple CEF pair to Faulkner Canadian Pioneer Battalion.

    Post by pylon1357 Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:22 am

    The topic title is a little misleading, sorry about that people.

    The value of research never ceases to amaze me. I have had a simple WWI pair in my collection for quite some time, 2 or 3 years at any rate. The pair is named to a fellow in the CAN.PNR.BN. Canadian Pioneer Battalion. Nothing special, and they have sat by idle waiting for me to finally start to research him and his service. This morning is the morning I started.

    He is an original member of the 48th Canadian Infantry Battalion In other words, the Service number he was assigned when he enlisted falls within the block allocated to the 48th Canadian Infantry Battalion.

    Well, with this in mind, obviously he is a replacement to the Pioneers. NO. The 48th Bn. became the 3rd Pioneer Battalion, and saw service as such in France.
    So, here I have a pair to an original member of the 3rd Pioneer Battalion. This to me is EXCELLENT news.

    As I looked over his service records, I find he was returned to Canada as medically unfit in February 1917, and ultimately discharged in Canada in Early 1918. Ok, now I have a sickly fellow....
    NO. NOT AT ALL. This soldier was wounded in both feet, right leg and left wrist on September 15, 1916, at Courcelette.

    More research needs to, and will be done on this simple pair for sure. I will also be moving this mans pair from the 5th drawer of my cabinet (where most of my CORPS medals are kept) up to the 2nd drawer where the slot for the 48th remains open. I will also amend the identifying placard for this pair, to reflect the 48th Bn CEF and 3rd Pioneer Bn.

    When I finally obtain a single BWM named to the 48th, it will reside beside this pair. To say I am stoked, would be an understatement.

    This is one heck of a story here in regards to this simple pair to a member of the Canadian Pioneer Battalion.


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