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    Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions?


    Posts : 32
    Join date : 2017-07-25
    Location : Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions? Empty Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions?

    Post by LittleBlackDevil Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:06 pm

    Hello again everyone.

    A while ago I picked up this WWI period named duffle bag to "Sgt. A. J. White" of the "90th Winnipeg Rifles" CEF, who was apparently a reinforcement. The piece is very dirty and smells very old, but does it look to be an original piece? I think it's an original piece, but I've never seen one of these to the Winnipeg Rifles before, nor have I ever had another in my collection, this will be my first duffle bag in my collection. To the other side of the bag it also appears to have some writing, but it very faint, I think it's named again to A. J and then "W" and then I think it has "90" there too, so perhaps named twice to Sergeant A. J. White of the 90th Rifles, one on each side, the one on the other side being way more faint.

    I think it's an original nice piece to the Winnipeg Rifles although I am always happy if I receive some extra opinions on this piece because I've never had one of these before.

    Thanks for reading.

    Best regards,


    Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions? 90thdu11
    Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions? 90thdu10
    Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions? 90thdu12

    Posts : 505
    Join date : 2010-02-11
    Age : 59
    Location : Edmonton

    Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions? Empty Re: Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions?

    Post by Tankermike Thu Oct 12, 2017 10:54 am

    Looks like the real deal to me. But usually a duffle bag would have his regimental number.

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    Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions? Empty Re: Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions?

    Post by oldKitchener Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:30 pm

    Isn't this a tent peg bag used with the typical bell tent? It seems that soldiers picket these up from time to time and used them for every kind of kit.

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    Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions? Empty Re: Canadian WWI 90th Winnipeg Rifles CEF Duffle Bag, opinions?

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