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    Can. Mk.II Helmet with 51st Highland Div. Transfer?

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    Can. Mk.II Helmet with 51st Highland Div. Transfer? Empty Can. Mk.II Helmet with 51st Highland Div. Transfer?

    Post by Hambone Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:51 pm


    Have any of you seen this 51st Highland Div. decal on a Canadian helmet before? I've seen two examples, years apart, but they look like the same decal run. Both are on Canadian 1942 date helmets, though that’s the sign of the British 51st Highland Div. In Italy and after Normandy the 51st was operationally with and under Canadian formations to be supplied by/with them, particularly under the command of the Canadian Corps in the Normandy breakouts. This looks like a subdued version of the 51st red / blue formation sign. A collector of decal transfers from WW2 said it looked original and was applied properly with varnish, probably a Gale & Polden transfer. I bought the helmet at a low price even for a Canadian Mk.II without any such unit markings. Any help is appreciated.


    Can. Mk.II Helmet with 51st Highland Div. Transfer? Mk_ii_10
    Can. Mk.II Helmet with 51st Highland Div. Transfer? S-l16010
    Can. Mk.II Helmet with 51st Highland Div. Transfer? 51st_h10

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