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    US Para Qualification For Mess Dress

    Ian B
    Ian B

    Posts : 272
    Join date : 2013-09-10
    Location : PEI

    US Para Qualification For Mess Dress Empty US Para Qualification For Mess Dress

    Post by Ian B Thu Mar 23, 2023 6:27 pm

    Good day all,

    Picked this up last month.  It is a bullion US Army basic parachute qualification.  Made by Penny-Wright.  They are no longer in business but a search on the web directs one to CP Gear.  Contacted them to find out what they know about the badge.  They have no records about it.  My assumption is that it was made up for a Canadian Airborne soldier for wear on his mess dress, hence the red/scarlet backing material.

    If anyone can add further info, I'd appreciate it.


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