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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

    Strange Badge

    Ian B
    Ian B

    Posts : 273
    Join date : 2013-09-10
    Location : PEI

    Strange Badge Empty Strange Badge

    Post by Ian B Wed Aug 03, 2016 3:41 pm

    Good day all,

    Harry Pugh, Editor of the US journal, "Chute & Dagger" has contacted me regarding the attached photos of an unknown badge. He thinks it might be from the 2nd Regt FSSF.

    If anyone has any knowledge of the subject badge, it would be appreciated if you could contact me either through the open forum or PM. SWAG, just good info. My imagination can come up with all sorts of implausible explanations. Like, the soldier that owned this was the regiment's ski instructor (or not!).

    Again, thanks for any knowledge you are able to pass on.

    Ian B

    Strange Badge 2d_reg12

    Strange Badge 2d_reg10

    Strange Badge 2d_reg11

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